Empowering Expectation

- Experience Miracles, Signs, and Wonders
- Establish Kingdom of God Government and Order
- Discover the 5 D's to Destiny
- Activate the Authority of the Believer
- Be Secure in Your Identity in Christ
- Articulate your dream so others can understand
- Develop your vision so others can help you build
- Raise capital to fund your vision
- Create strategic systems to meet objectives
- Advance leadership teams to reach goals
- Gain access to key relationships
- Meaningfully connections
JBM Brings to your Church
- Increased expectation for the supernatural
- Signs, miracles, and wonders
- Significant increase in giving
- Elevation in leadership
- New growth—salvations
- New dimensions—baptism in the Holy Spirit
John Burpee is one of the few ministers we invite back to speak at our church and to our network of churches. His ministry is marked by supernatural signs and wonders and we have witnessed multiple people healed from chronic pain to deafness, paralysis, and other major health problems. His unique style of ministry reaches into lives and touches them where they need it most. We have never been disappointed. His life is marked by integrity, honor, and character. I whole- heartedly recommend him to any congregation and/or ministerial network.
Apostle, Church Planter, Marketplace Minister & Missionary Ordained with the Assemblies of God
Apostle, Church Planter, Marketplace Minister & Missionary Ordained with the Assemblies of God
Moving comfortably in the supernatural, without flash or hype, John Burpee confidently connects to God's power - power that is available to every believer - and moves in miracles, signs, and wonders. He travels extensively and the fruit of his ministry is evident in testimonies of salvation, healing, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. John not only declares God's Word, he demonstrates it. He is a true believer in the manifest presence of God.
- Hernias, Tumors, Polyps, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis Disappear!
- Fractured and Broken Bones Come Together!
- Back, Neck, Leg, and Stomach Pain Gone Instantly!
- Surgery Cancelled!